AUP Grade Calculator

Course List:

Overall SGPA: 0.00

Course Credits Grades Grade Points Credit Points

Additional Information:

The distribution of marks for each course shall be as under:

The breakup of Continuous Internal Assessment shall be as below:

Four best scores of the minimum six surprise tests will be counted towards the final internal assessment

In case of 1 credit course, 3 best scores out of the minimum of 4 surprise tests will be counted towards final internal assessment.

The breakup of End Semester Examination (ESE) shall be as below:

Awards of Grade Table:

Grade Symbol Grade Grade Point
O Outstanding 9.10-10.00
A+ Excellent 8.10-9.09
A Very Good 7.10-8.09
B+ Good 6.10-7.09
B Above Average 5.10-6.09
C Average 4.50-5.09
P Pass 4.00-4.49

Note:If a student gets below 40 in overall marks out of 100 then He/she is allotted "F"

Awards of Division Table:

Same for SGPA and CGPA

SGPA Equivalent Division
9.10-10 Outstanding
8.10-9.09 First Division with Distinction
6.10-8.09 First Division
5.10-6.09 Second Division